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During the press day for the upcoming post-apocalyptic action thriller The Book of Eli, out on January 15, Mila Kunis was happy to at least attempt to explain the story of Black Swan, the Darren Aronofsky drama about ballerinas that she’s currently filming. Although she couldn’t get too detailed, for fear of revealing something she shouldn’t, she did explain that the film is a movie

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Pictures of the Hottest Celebrity MILFs

So who are the hottest MILFs in Hollywood today? Who are the sexiest MILFs in entertainment today? Below is a list, with pictures, of the hottest & sexiest actresses, singers, models and more. See which stars are the best looking moms.
Top 10 Hottest Celebrity MILFs:
1) Kate Beckinsale (a daughter, Lily)

Kate Beckinsale defines the phrase “hot milf”. She’s young, beautiful, wealthy,

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